The Agudah Report: Bnos 1 on 1

The Bnos One-on-One Big Sister Program was founded in 2009 with the mission of building greater resilience in young adolescents, by providing them with role models and mentors. The program pairs twelfth grade seniors with sixth and seventh grade “tweenagers” who are at a very vulnerable stage in life. The benefits are wide-ranging, greatly enhancing the Little Sisters’ Jewish education and fostering a positive attitude towards their yiddishkeit, as well as helping them gain self esteem. The Big Sisters benefit from gaining increased confidence and the skills necessary to become leaders in the Jewish communities of tomorrow. The program is funded by The Center for Jewish Family Life/Project YES, and operated by Bnos Agudath Israel of America.

800 paired big and little sisters in 11 communities nationwide!

“The Bnos One on One program has made a huge difference for my daughter. I inquired about [the program] from her principal, who highly recommended it for her.”

“I would like to say thank you for your numerous city wide Bnos One on One program. The varied venues and tone were truly reflective of the time thought and effort that must have been invested in them.”

“Something as simple as a conversation goes a long way. It was real, and it was incredible!”

“Thank you for teaching me how to give, it feels great!”

For more information contact Bnos 1 on 1 at 212-797-9000 ext.273 or email