FREE DOWNLOAD: sukkah decoration of Agudah Moetzes

FREE DOWNLOAD below – 2 choices!!!
+ be entered to WIN from $100’s worth of prizes

To be entered into 12 different raffles of $100’s worth of prizes send a picture of the new sukkah decoration hanging in your sukkah with a smiling child to
Each child in a family can be an additional entry (as long as you send a separate email)
To be entered into the raffle you must include in the email to
1. Picture of sukkah decoration with child
2. Name of parent
3. Name of child with age (and school if applicable)
4. Street Address
5. City
6. State
7. Zip

Project of Pirchei Agudath Israel

2 choices:

  1. Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah on silver background
  2. Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah with Kosel background