Pirchei Siyum Mishnayos

This Past Sunday evening over 1,100 boys from around the tri state area attended the 54th Annual National Siyum Mishnayos of Pirchei Agudas Yisroel al shem Harav Yehoshua Silbermintz zt”l.

The siyum took place at the Kol Yaakov Hall in Flatbush. The Siyum was Chaired by Rabbi Avi Frank and was Addressed by Rabbi Hershel Zolty Rosh yeshiva Yeshivas Mir, Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zweibel executive director of Agudath Israel of America and Rabbi Ephraim Levi National Director of Pirchei.  Tehillim was recited by Rabbi Eliezer Leiff frosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva of South Monsey and father of one of the mesayemim.  Master storyteller Rabbi Yitizy Erps a Pirchei product himself, mesmerized the crowd with his amazing storytelling talent.  A beautiful audio visual Presentation on the life of Rabbi Yisroel Belsky zt’l produced by Rabbi Yosef Treisser Director of Pirchei Agudath Israel of Montreal held the boys spellbound hearing about this amazing gadol.  Raffles throughout the evening included sets of seforim  a shas and a bike!

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