PHOTOS: Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America Midwestern Regional Siyum Mishnayos

Rabbi Dovid Golberg addressing the Melave Malka

Rabbi Dovid Golberg addressing the Melave Malka

On Shabbos Parshas Vayakhel, at the annual Midwestern Regional Siyum Mishnayos of Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America, Pirchim from 13 cities across the country were inspired. The siyum was held at the Telz Yeshiva, and was hosted this year by the Cleveland branch and coordinated by Rabbi Hillel Drazin and Rabbi Moshe Berger.

The Simcha of the Siyum

The Simcha of the Siyum

Beginning Friday afternoon and ending with the Grand Melave Malka, attendees heard divrei chizuk throughout from the Hanhalos Hayeshiva. Rabbi Dovid Goldberg, Shlita, Rosh Hayeshiva, addressed the Melave Malka, as well as Mr. Jonathan Heifetz, president of Agudath Israel of Ohio, and Rabbi Ephraim Levi, National Director of Pirchei.

Rabbi Drazin, Rabbi Dessler, Mr. Heifetz

Rabbi Drazin, Rabbi Dessler, Mr. Heifetz

Rabbi Moshe Berger, Rabbi Ephraim Levi and Rabbi Hillel Drazin presenting awards

Rabbi Moshe Berger, Rabbi Ephraim Levi and Rabbi Hillel Drazin presenting awards