The Jewish Observer Vol. 4 No. 1 January 1967/Shevat 5727

In this issue …

IN RETROSPECT…an analysis of the counter-reaction to the recent protests against Orthodox participation in the Synagogue Council, and an examination of some of the fictions and distortions that came in its wake 

A DISSIDENT SPEAKS OUT…We are pleased to publish a definitive statement on Synagogue Council by the distinguished Telsher Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Mordechai Gifter

FROM MIR TO SHANGHAI…recollections of life in the Mirer Yeshiva in Shanghai during the war years, by a then-talmid of Mir, now a well-known educator, Rabbi Chuna Herzman

THE SOURCE…RABBI MORRIS BEKRITSKY, in his first contribution to T JO, offers a critical analysis of the best-selling novel, “The Source” by James Michener

SCIENCE SLAVE OR MASTER?…asks Prof. Leo Levi, in a profound, yet clearly-stated exposition of the sphere, reliability, and nature of science in a Torah perspective. He concludes that science must be used to further the goals and purposes of Torah

TIME FOR A CHANGE…says Dr. Seymour Glick, in the attitudes of some yeshivos and yeshiva educators toward science and scientists. He warns that in rejecting these attitudes of their teachers, students may also reject all that their teachers have to say

ISRAEL DIGEST…In this new TJO feature, Menachem Greenberg brings you up-to-date on some recent developments and concerns in Israel

WHAT THEY ARE SAYING IN THE JEWISH PRESS…a selection of clippings from various sources reflecting some of the currents in American Jewish life 

SECOND LOOKS…Some recent thinking on antisemitism as reflected in recent publications

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