Baseless and incendiary rhetoric

When the Maccabees won the battle that led to the celebration of Chanukah, it was a triumph of good over evil and gave the Jewish People the religious freedom to impart their faith and values to their children. All of these themes are just as relevant today as they were more than 2000 years ago.

Religious Freedom: Residents of Jackson Township, New Jersey, received a Chanukah gift this week with the Township’s decision to allow the placement of an eruv on utility poles. While the other issues that led Agudath Israel to sue Jackson Township are still in mediation, last night’s resolution was a small step in guaranteeing the religious freedom of Orthodox residents.

Education: With the ruling of a Florida court this week affirming the constitutionality of the state’s special needs voucher program, I was reminded of an essay penned by Rabbi Avi Shafran explaining how Chanukah relates to school choice. While the Tax Bill is nearing a final deal, it’s not too late for constituents to contact Congress about several issues that could have a direct effect on tuition paying parents and private schools. Please take 60 seconds and Take Action today.

Good vs Evil: In a very strongly worded letter to the Turkish Consul General, Agudath Israel of America’s executive vice president, Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel protested the baseless and incendiary rhetoric remarks made by the President of Turkey regarding Israel.

Wishing all of our supporters a Happy Chanukah! It is only due to your support that we continue to fight bigotry, defend religious freedom, and advance school choice on your behalf.

A. D. Motzen