Worldwide Broadcast Siyum Maseches Yevamos

The Daf Yomi Commission of Agudath Israel of America is delighted to offer a complimentary live worldwide broadcast of Siyum Maseches Yevamos.  The program hosted by the Lomdei HaDaf of Panama, will be broadcast live from The Shevet Ahim Synagogue in Panama on Tuesday, February 3, 2015 / Leil Tu B’shvat, 15 Shevat, 5775 at 7:15 PM ET.

Worldwide Yevamos SiyumWe are exceedingly fortunate to have one of the prominent Educators and Darshanim in America, Rabbi David Ozeirey, Rav, Congregation Yad Yosef, Brooklyn NY, addressing this event.

Siyum broadcasts continue to give inspiration and chizuk for Lomdei HaDaf and their Kehillos. Both men and women are invited to participate at all broadcast locations.

We welcome the participation of your communities / shuls and request that you contact our graphic artist to have your location details inserted on the flyer rk@calligraphix.comIt is very simple to arrange a live broadcast at almost any location. For all other information relating to this event, please contact our office by calling 212-797-9000 ext. 267 or

Now is the time to make arrangements to join thousands of others around the world and have this Siyum broadcast live in your community. Let us join together for this event and create a tremendous Kiddush Shem Shomayim.