Photos: Worldwide Siyum Maseches Yevamos

Pictures from the Worldwide Siyum Maseches Yevamos in Panama.

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The siyum was held in Congregation Shevet Achim (Rav Avraham Silvera) in Panama City. Ezra Cohen, Director of Daf Yomi in Panama, was the Master of Ceremonies. Mr Marco Kassab, popular Daf Yomi maggid shiur, made the siyum in Spanish. Rabbi Eliyohu Simcha Bamberger, Agudath Israel of America’s indefatigable Spanish speaking Daf Yomi coordinator spoke. The main drasha was delivered by  Rabbi David Ozeri, Rav, Yad Yosef Torah Center, Brooklyn.

Pictures from the Siyum Maseches Yevamos and Shas at the Cote St Luc (Montreal) Kollel Avreichim based in Congregation Shuvah Yisrael.

The Marah D’atrah, Rabbi Yehuda Benoliel, delivered divrei berachah as did the Maggid Shiur Rabbi Yitzchak Turgeman, and Gad Pitom who sponsored the siyum in memory of his father. The guest speaker was Rabbi Yaakov Reisman, Rav, Agudath Israel of Long Island, who made the trip to Montreal for this Siyum HaShas.

Picture of the Daf Yomi chaburah at Congregation Etz Chaim in West Hempstead, NY, led by Rabbi Avraham Sebrow. They completed all of Shas last week when they were mesayem Maseches Yevamos.