Not invited to the party

To all those who asked: No. I did not get an invitation to the White House Chanukah party.

Agudath Israel was well-represented at the event, though, by our executive vice president Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel and our vice president for federal affairs and Washington director Rabbi Abba Cohen.

Watching the program on C-SPAN this morning, I found it interesting that the themes discussed at the Chanukkah party fit well with this week’s newsletter stories.

  • President Trump spoke about recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, an act we commended this week.
  • A Holocaust survivor spoke about combating anti-Semitism – something that our Ohio director, Rabbi Yitz Frank has been dealing with in his state.
  • Rabbi Meir Soloveichik spoke about celebrating the ability of people of faith to bring their beliefs into society and not having to check their beliefs by the door. That issue is at the heart of the argument in  this week’s Masterpiece Cakeshop case before the Supreme Court.

Finally, as the House and Senate meet to finalize the tax bill, please take a moment to contact Congress about two issues of particular importance to our community. We have heard positive feedback indicating that the grassroots advocacy effort on these issues is getting noticed. Please take action today.

On behalf of everyone here at Agudath Israel, Happy Chanukah!