Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Issues Kol Korei on Open Orthodoxy

Major Rabbinical Body on “Open Orthodoxy”:
 “Not a Form of Torah Judaism”

Council of Torah Sages Laments
New Movement’s Abandonment of Judaism’s Tenets—

Recent years have seen an effort by various institutions, under the rubric of “Open Orthodoxy,” to claim, as per that chosen name, that their theology and attitude toward Jewish religious law comprise an acceptable expression of what has long been called “Orthodox Judaism.”

The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America, or Council of Torah Sages, which serves as Agudath Israel of America’s highest rabbinic body, has examined statements and positions put forth by representatives of the “Open Orthodox” groups and found that the movement is beyond the pale of Orthodoxy.

To help prevent the Jewish public from being misled on the matter, the Council issued the following statement today:

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