Meeting to Discuss Baltimore School Transportation

Agudath Israel of Maryland meets with Baltimore County Council Member —

On Tuesday, Agudath Israel of Maryland met with Baltimore County Councilwoman Vicki Almond and staff to discuss a few school-related items. The meeting’s primary focus was to explore a new school busing concept, similar to a recently-initiated pilot program in the Silver Spring/Montgomery County community. The Silver Spring pilot program began in 2014 after a multi-year effort undertaken by a committee which included Agudath Israel and other community/school representatives working with Montgomery County Executive Isaiah Leggett and State Delegate Bonnie Cullison. The program currently serves several students attending Jewish and Catholic day schools on Montgomery County’s yellow school buses at a reduced cost, subsidized by the County. The Baltimore community has been the beneficiary of school transportation provided through the State’s mass transit system on specialized routes. Despite its popularity among scores of families, many parents have expressed their desire to have a yellow school bus option as well, citing the additional safety benefits it provides. Joining in Tuesday’s meeting, was Mrs. Fayge Hackerman, Agudath Israel of Maryland’s community busing coordinator.