If you’re not at the table…

“If you’re not at the table, you may be on the menu.” That’s a quote I often heard from my former boss, Rabbi Yehiel Kalish. The origins of the quote are unclear, but I used it as the title of a presentation I gave this week at the Indianan Non Public Administrators’ Conference (audio file) about legislative engagement.

Agudath Israel was at many tables this week:

On the federal level, Rabbi Abba Cohen once again worked with TSA and CBP on guidance for those observing Sukkos and traveling with the arba minim (four plant species waved during the holiday). Rabbi Cohen is also working together with a coalition on legislative and legal efforts to give houses of worship equal standing in receiving FEMA assistance.

In Illinois, Governor Rauner signed bills related to security funding and protecting religious rights of decedents in which Rabbi Soroka played a significant role.

In Columbus, an anti-BDS bill was introduced in the Ohio House and the sponsors held a press conference in front of the Holocaust memorial.

Finally, as we are in the middle of a the Jewish holiday season, our constituent services office is busy fielding calls about workplace discrimination. Please review our guide and contact us if you have any issues.

While Agudath Israel tries to be at every table, we rely on you, our grassroots supporters to help us engage with government officials and courts across the country. So thank you for partnering with us!