Chayim Aruchim Workshop in Los Angeles

chayim aruchimOn Monday over 30 local rabbis gathered at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center to participate in a workshop about medical issues and Jewish law. The program was sponsored by Chayim Aruchim, the Rabbinical Council of California, Ateres Avigail of Los Angeles, and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center’s Spiritual Care Department.

Rabbi Jason Weiner of Cedars-Sinai, welcomed everyone to the conference and explained its importance and relevance. Chayim Aruchim’s senior counselor, Rabbi Eliezer Gewirtzman of Lakewood, New Jersey, provided in-depth training. In addition to reviewing common medical questions and strategies for navigating hospitals and the healthcare system, the 5-hour session covered many complex medical conditions. The attendees praised for this important and engaging gathering and are already organizing further similar sessions.

Chayim Aruchim is Agudath Israel’s center for culturally sensitive health advocacy and counseling. It receives over 350 calls a month to assist with complicated medical situations, ensure Jewish patients are treated in accordance with Jewish law, and answer complex questions.

(Author: Rabbi Shmuel Lefkowitz, Vice President for Community Services)