Birth Certificate Bill Passes Unanimously Out of New Jersey Senate Committee

Rabbi Avi Schnall and Senator Bob Singer

Rabbi Avi Schnall and Senator Bob Singer

On Monday, the New Jersey Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee unanimously passed S1066 out of committee. The bill, sponsored by Senator Bob Singer (R-Monmouth), allows for the filing of a birth certificate to be delayed for religious reasons, for up to 15 days after birth, in order to allow for naming the child. Currently, parents only have five days to submit a name, which poses a problem for Jewish parents who wish to wait until after the religious naming ceremony held at a boy’s circumcision on his 8th day, or at a Saturday synagogue service for a girl. Rabbi Avi Schnall, New Jersey director of Agudath Israel of America testified in support of the bill.

Read full Hamodia article here…