A Time for Videos

If you like pictures and videos, this week’s newsletter is for you.

In the last five days, we had the pleasure of celebrating Agudath Israel of Illinois’ 55th annual dinner and Agudath Israel of America’s 96th anniversary dinner. Thank you to all those who contributed to the success of both events.

I could try to describe the moving tributes, the beautiful decor and exhibits, and the inspiring speeches, and, in fact, we have a partial description below.

Instead, check out the links below to read the two tribute journals, view pictures of the events and watch more than a dozen videos related to the dinners, including a new music video produced for the Movement in Time national dinner.

As we skipped last week’s newsletter, you can catch up today on Agudath Israel’s new fire safety certification in partnership with FDNY, Rabbi Ariel Sadwin’s visit to the Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy in Silver Spring, Maryland, and my interview with Mishpacha magazine about Secretary DeVos’s recent visit to two Orthodox schools in New York City.