Agudath Israel Rally at City Hall for Kosher and Halal Foods

Councilman Chaim Deutsch speaking in front of City Hall

This week Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Director of New York Government Relations, joined City Councilmembers Chaim Deutsch and Rafael Espinal, along with other advocates at a City Hall rally to call for funding kosher and halal food options in public schools.

Last year, Councilmembers Deutsch and Espinal were able to insert $1 million into the budget for a pilot program. This year, advocates called on the mayor to expand the program as well as support a state bill sponsored by Assemblyman David Weprin to provide kosher and halal options to any student requesting them.

In his remarks, Rabbi Silber pointed out that many children attending public schools end up going hungry due to lack of kosher or halal. No child should be forced to choose between their religion and a nutritious school lunch.

 Rabbi Yeruchim Silber speaking at the rally in front of City Hall